Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Weak Nein

In Chinese:





In Japanese:


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

闔閭(こうりょ、? - 紀元前496年)は中国春秋時代の6代目は光。諸樊の子。名臣孫武伍子胥などの助けを得て、呉を一大強国へと成長させを唱えたが、句践に敗れ、子の夫差に復讐を誓わせて没した。春秋五覇の1人に数えられることがある。闔廬とも表記される。


In times of trouble (such as Week 9 2007 NWE) I find myself turning to the Daoist articles on Chinese Wikipedia. It is easy to find, by looking up articles in English and then switching over to "zh". There is a Daoism "box" to use with lots of links. Useful articles include various lists of people, government agencies and concepts, with names like "The 5 Harsh Things", "Important Personalities of the Spring and Autumn Era" and "8 Immortals".

In this case, that of Week 9, I (we) find ourselves in a situation where "reet" people represented by Conan O'Brien and the Dallas 1920s guy; and "dependable" people represented by Elvis Costello and David Letterman, are now losing their religion as far as believing in the New England Patriots (organization) as an ideal, as a saving presence, as a paragon. Let's talk about Spygate and Running up the Score. ("Running up the score" has its own Wikipedia article, in case you didn't know.)

In unraveling this public relations event, one thread to follow involves commentary that seems to be somewhat disconnected from football itself. If I may explain, consider the Uneven Parallel Bars in women's gymnastics. One wonders: "How can they do that?" I went to a high school that won a lot of titles in this sport and I know, the answer is "It is easy to learn (if you love the sport)."

Contact sports are similar in that people wonder "How can anyone survive that tackle?" or "How can anyone be checked into the boards that violently and survive?" The answer is the same: "You learn how to do that, and you practice it, and you love the game."

More people are hurt performing ballet and gymnastics than in football or hockey. Or so I have read. It is possible to get hurt. You don't want to get hurt, one reason being that one would spend time standing around on the sidelines instead of playing.

It doesn't make sense to overidealize and paragonize football, as it's always just about football in the first place; maybe this is something John Madden would say. It feels good to try to understand one's personal universe in terms of football, to say "The New England Patriots are letting me down" doesn't make any football sense. The New England Patriots weren't trying to idolize themselves in the first place, and they are certainly not interested in making the fans feel bad now a days.

If people, teams, organizations, sports media people, can make some hay out of a good look, then that's just great. Let's all have a good time on Sunday.

Going to film school one learns a lot of everyday truths that play out on the national and international stage. It is different to be a film producer than it is to be a film actor. A producer knows something about the ill effects of producing something nice for people to enjoy. It's like when George turns Mr Steinbrenner on to the calzones, or like the drug arrakis from the science fiction movie Dune:

1. I need more of that.
2. I have separate unrelated problem(s) that I am assigning to you.
3. I don't expect this good feeling to ever change.

Believe me, the Pats organization is working in all common sense to continue
the surreal cleanliness,
the collegiate-type nature,
the refreshing coldness,
the "R.E.M. of the north" comfort food feeling,
the dynastic positivity,
the post-salary cap paritous utopian look,
the post-90s media look
the cleverness
the reasonableness

that we have.

But disillusionment?

There is no crying in baseball. There is no disillusionment in football.

Please don't lean to hard on the organization it would effect our performance on the field. It's true.


Take a page from the playbook and just take it all too seriously.

And make sure to have a beer after work.


All of which is easy to write after reflecting on the zh and ja articles copied above.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Stars in dwarf spheroidal galaxies behave in a way that suggests the galaxies are utterly dominated by dark matter, University of Michigan astronomers have found.
Sponsored Links (Ads by Google)

Astronomy professor Mario Mateo and post-doctoral researcher Matthew Walker measured the velocity of 6,804 stars in seven dwarf satellite galaxies of the Milky Way: Carina, Draco, Fornax, Leo I, Leo II, Sculptor and Sextans. They found that, contrary to what Newton's law of gravity predicts, stars in these galaxies do not move slower the farther they are from their galaxy's core.

"These galaxies show a problem right from the center," Mateo said. "The velocity doesn't get smaller. It just stays the same, which is eerie."


the Physorg article link

Q: What is a knuckleball?

Q: What's the deal with that scene in The Exorcist where everything in Regan's room starts orbiting?

Q: What I'd like to know, is how I can make money off of the dark matter?

Q; What's the deal with Trusty's Fourth Wise Man? I mean, how "forthwise" should one be, given all this complicated dark matter action?

Trusty was a punk band that formed in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1989. The band moved from Little rock to Washington, DC in 1992. They disbanded in early 1998.

"I told you before
how your jaw hit the floor
when I told you
I was dancin'

And David Blaine is a special generic ninja.


The new Chinese Politburo Standing Committe was named two days ago. As one member passed on, and 3 members were replaced, there are 4 new men on the committee. Everyone in Hollywood is reading, or straining to read, the new material. It's possible to wedge new material into the tv schedule based on the new look, there's money involved, cachet and mystery have always been the stock in trade of the entertainment industry. In other words, "What is an intellectual bully" and "How do they get over on people?" More news in 5 years at the next Plenary congress.

Q: Why am I watching this?

A: I don't know.

Here is the PRC leadership. Instead of a president and vice president, they have 9 leaders.

胡錦濤 Hu Jin Tao
溫家寶 Warm family treasure
李長春 The long spring
習近平 Practice kind criticism
李克強 Party punk strongman
賀國強 Rich nation strongman
周永康 Safety perimeter forever (a la Billy Joel)

The two strongmen are new members, and are intersting; will married and romantic couples find a template for love here at the politburo? Will the two strongmen hook up in an M/F marriage format disguised in a movie? Somehow? Somewhere? At Netflix? You have to ask yourself, which one are you? It's difficult to permanently decide.

It's a good setup anyway.

李克強 Party punk strongman
賀國強 Rich nation strongman

Strong Man? It could just as well be a strong woman.

Chinese politics has a lot to do with American politics, it's just difficult, or impossible, for George Stephanopoulos and George Will to properly read the material.

Friday, October 19, 2007

解缙 - Rich Horn - nice bohemian stuff

Rich Horn is pretty good. I think this poet/singer finds comfort in cultural areas like San Francisco, Providence, Austin, Minneapolis, East Village New York, Amsterdam, and the like. The material is progressive like Letterman, Michael Moore, Grace Slick, for the sake of being progressive and puts me in the mind of vegetarianism. It's nice bohemian stuff.

诗词名:菖蒲 作者:解缙 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:

菖蒲 Supervegetal Absentminded Defensive (literally "sweet flag; calamus")

三尺青青古太阿。3 Subway stations away it's superclear now, a holy feeling returns
舞风斩碎一川波。Dance wind, soft idiot America will join your boring websurfing
长桥有影蛟龙惧。A very very long economic look will move my movie love to the people
流水无声昼夜磨。A gross flow of mild day negativity and strong evening sex will build our twentysomething families
两岸带烟生杀气。We're all unhappy about about quitting smoking
五更弹雨和渔歌。I have 5 husbands alone, it's raining peace and energy
秋来只恐西风起。Autumn victory on the tennis court is rarely cancelled by high winds
销尽锋棱怎奈何。Please tell me where you get your power.

Is the last line sarcastic, sincere, or both? And, why would you ever decide to choose between the two?

诗词名:斧 作者:解缙 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:

斧 Axy

斫削群才到凤池。Ancient stoned, vanishing sport, talent of low rent, wind of freedom
良工良器两相资。Number one in human resources, number one in teenage beauty competition, I think both are important
他年好携朝天去。Manyears drag by for women each day
夺取蟾宫第一枝。Sex power keeps the planet populated

Axy is a cute name.

诗词名:锯子 作者:解缙 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:

锯子 The Saw

曲邪除尽不疑猜。Classic beguiled, Surplus openess of the city scene, Don't rescue a player
昔日公输巧制来。I study under the John Waters Acting Method
正是得人轻借力。We are so right about cars replacing horses
定然分别栋梁材。It definitely frees up our talent for management

Or is it "Saw Baby", like Clint Eastwood in Beguiled?

All the talent that people have put into managing horses in the city and the country, all the millions of people involved in that industry need a place to use their talent that has passed down through generations.

Explain or separate 解 is a pretty good word, there's a lot to say about this one. Here's a thread:

"Why does the bull gore? Removing the horns is an ineffective formula."

Boredoms - Super Seeeeee!

After the nice Ming material presented in "Nice Guy", this modern material by Eye Yamitaka and his band Boredoms seems sober, Altaic.

Be my guest and watch all 9:12 minutes of it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

李梦阳 Nice Guy

After the harsh material presented in "Li Something Dragon" it's good to look at "Nice Guy" as a change of pace. He's dreamy.

秋望 Autumn Moon by 李梦阳 Nice Guy

黄河水绕汉边墙,The yellow river water is money -- super "dis"
河上秋风雁几行。The river's surface takes the wind like a table of numbers takes your chaos

客子过濠追野马,Wild horses and wild colts don't know Buddhism
将军弢[1]箭射天狼。 The general has requested that we wallow in their infantile wolfishness

黄尘古渡迷飞輓[2], A tiny particle of yellow river water will tame a moronic wild horse
白日横空冷战常 During the blizzard, getting oats and cold water, he or she will not complain
闻道朔方多勇略,It has similar chances of surviving the war, as you or I
只今谁是郭汾阳。Culture revolves around equanimity


泰山 Thai Mountain by 李梦阳 Nice Guy

俯首元齐鲁,The chief's fortune has brought me an economics fish
东瞻海似杯。So excellent, her mom wins the cup

斗然一峰上,"Fake" fighting practice has peaked out
不信万山开。There is no stupor, there is no trust in this camp anymore

日抱扶桑跃,This sunny babe has risen from the weirdness of the silk plantation fellow-travelers horde
天横碣石来。Heaven is a krunk barbecue

君看秦始后,- This guy is ok in a tricheliocosmic way
仍有汉皇台。- And definitely deserves me

李攀龙 Li Something Dragon

Are you unable to get out of New Year's Dragon Dance rehearsals? Are you taking "good" advice? Is your life in a vise? Do you encounter unrealistic regulations that force a departure, the very departure which is the antithesis of Dragon Dance practice? Do you lack a cool stalwart alternative? Are you unable to quit band?

Do you like Dragonball-Z?

塞上曲 Winning With the Classics

by 李攀龙 Leave Ice Dragon

白羽职霜出塞寒,Blizzard of practice w/Student President Frost, leave and win, leave and lose, leave and walk around
胡烽不断接长安。Veggie burger high school lunch vote, don't play Beastie Boys, it's the most delicious

城头一片西山月,Your head came from your ma, she was on drugs
多少征人马上看。We are so right about this, this is your full life arc


白羽职霜出塞寒,Blizzard of practice w/Student President Frost, leave and win, leave and lose, leave and walk around
also = White Wing School Delegate Frost is leaving now; do you even care?
also = You have put a frost on our practice! Leave now and turn to ice! (not really an option)

胡烽不断接长安。Veggie burger high school lunch vote, don't play Beastie Boys, it's the most delicious
also = It's a strange high to eat the student project tofu; you could meet someone nice by signing up for that activity

城头一片西山月,Your head came from your ma, she was on drugs
also = Your big city head is just one chip from the Western Mountain of flesh

多少征人马上看。We are so right about this, this is your full life arc
also = How many horses do you need to see born?
also = You are the capricorn on my shit list.

于郡城送明卿之江西 This school = 4 years of dry weak intoxicating romance

by 李攀龙 Leave Ice Dragon

青枫飒飒雨凄凄,Please turn that off, it sounds like a rainstorm and an airplane
秋色遥看入楚迷。I won't get into Swarthmore nor enter their Preferred Student Program
谁向孤舟怜逐客,Who told you to be such a guest here?
白云相送大江西。I am going out to look at clouds with Lisa M. tomorrow and I don't expect you to consider yourself invited!


"Aaah, Shakespeare lacks positive sanguinity"
- Oh, really? I think he's pretty good, and so does everybody else!

by 李攀龙 Leave Ice Dragon

缥渺真探白帝宫,Signs signs every where a sign
三峰此日为谁雄。The three peaks are visible from this student lavatory window

苍龙半挂秦川雨,Arnold is saying something in his movies, I can't say it right out loud
石马长嘶汉苑风。I was quite baked at the cinema, baked not a great topic outside this room

地敞中原秋色尽,Land comes from positive effort and realistic vision of what color is in a soul
天开万里夕阳空。Heaven opens on a sleepover and then heaven closes on a family cookout

平生突兀看人意,******* my thought = "I want to see the Morocco that the Rolling Stones saw early in their career"
容尔深知造化功。It's a strong concept, my cousin went to this same school and now he lives in Hawai'i big island


苍龙半挂秦川雨,Arnold is saying something in his movies, I can't say it right out loud

= This logic dragon with fake-crushed-balls is a supercommodity river of downpouring rain.

石马长嘶汉苑风。I was quite baked at the cinema, baked not a great topic outside this room

= The Stone Horse story is a long story and not tellable over a windy bowl of national oatmeal.

Comment: After looking at Stones' early work in Morocco, the last thing you need to worry about is whether it's a good idea to travel. Maaaan.

鲥鱼 Sunny Fish

鲥鱼 何景明 详细内容 到百度里查
Kind of like Sunny Fish Plank Road

"Movies Stars Aren't Harsh"/"Don't Get Married"/"Temperate Amsterdam"

五月鲥鱼已至燕,May 5 has arrived, it's fish day
荔枝卢橘未能先。The power of the Gorton's Fisherman compels you

赐鲜遍及中珰[1]第,Don't be sensitive to con men
荐熟应开寝庙筵。 Don't bring your jade

白日风尘驰驿骑,The sun blizzard beating on the tinted windows of this place
炎天冰雪护江船。Inside a frozen snowy river of gossip with fake stuck boats

银鳞细骨堪怜汝,The ATM machine is there for you
玉箸金盘敢望传。You need a permanent stern attitude at this, your fake home-away-from-home

Comment: There is no reference for "[1]" in line 3 at

Comment: The image is Bu Li's album at Sister Benten Online. Bu Li's music is hilarious nonstop enka no enka w/accordion. The women in the band seem to be New Suburban, like the movie "All About Lily Chou Chou", which is a 2000s period piece, artistic stereotypically chilling out-of-control-as-the-norm Japanese teen trouble power cinema that blends the realistic nature of American 1970s-80s movies "River's Edge" and "Heathers" with new-cyber and an overarching expatriate common-sense narrative presence. It's lush and available at Netflix.

袁宏道 Man Road

This Ming Dynasty songwriter is "Man-Road"

Whoever this person is, they seem to a lot about Canada, Scandinavia, Hokkaido, Manchuko, Minnesota, northern areas. It's time to reflect on the presence of Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken, our leading northern politicians.

Lots of China lies south of Tokyo, Japan; which city Tokyo is at the latitude of Washington DC. There is a good onshore Pacific Ocean climate system bringing warm air in. It's not too difficult to look for a can of pineapple. Japan is interesting in its weather. Wintering in Tokyo is mild; the Pacific Ocean dominates the weather. Living in New England, one knows that the ocean exerts a temperate influence on weather. The mountains between the ocean side and the Russia side of Japan make a difference between the two. The north shore and the mountains get so much snow and cold air moving south from the Arctic.

It is difficult to find a particle of dust on the sidewalks of Tokyo. Korea is a little different; it's as though all that grit on the wind just falls right into the ocean, between the mainland and the Japanese archipelago.

Since this guy lived in Ming Era, it doesn't make a lot of difference what the weather might have been; there were no kerosene space heaters and it gets plenty cold anyway in the tropics, If one is a poet interested in how people work through the cold weather there is not much shortage of it at this historical time. In my experience of traveling there for a while, there's not much shortage of cold weather nowadays either.

Since "Ming" is the sun + moon dynasty, it is reasonable to expect people to write about the climatological relationship between people and the sun and the moon.

横塘渡 Horizontal Sugar Dike Degrees 袁宏道 详细内容 到百度里查
This word "horizontal" has something to do with not doing meth.
'I am married to the WNBA'

横塘渡,临水步。Horizontal Sugar Dikes, Basketball NBA, can you beat me?
郎西来,妾东去。WNBA is on as well, I should be a real feminist about it all

妾非倡家女,The WNBA sometimes doesn't deliver that sugar tropic grip
红楼大姓妇。It seems more like tomato juice or V-8 at times

吹花误唾郎,Sucking flower beauty invitations non-stop from those heavies
感郎千金顾。The highest paid player in this league earns many millions of dollars

妾家住虹桥,Meeting my family at the league dinner is quite a bit different
朱门十字路。There is no door being shown to anyone and we're building a professional life

认取辛夷花,If you recognize a Cheryl,
莫过杨梅树。You might also recognize a Reggie's brother, who is MBA at the league office

comment: Let's translate macho headgame concepts into unrealistic construction projects: We can build a wall of sugar to keep the water out of the city. It combines overeating, megalomania, municipal corruption and grandiosity!

comment: What if Tim Reid and Queen Latifah made a better version of Coach?


竹枝词 Construction Materials Budget 袁宏道

雪里山茶取次红,Snow sleep pleasure next Bloody Mary within 6 hours
白头孀妇哭青风。Blizzard Head Auntie Clean Winter Souls

自从貂虎横行后,Self Cleaning Human Furry Animal Very scalding Shower Water
十室金钱九室空。10 apartments are paying rent and 9 apartments are empty

Comment: I feel like I have built an inexpensive condominium complex outside of the city of Oslo.

棹歌行 Nice Table Song 袁宏道 详细内容 到百度里查

It's not a glass ceiling, it's a wooden table

妾家白苹洲,Our family has gone from a blizzard of apple blossoms to a blizzard of Apple Jacks brand cereal
随风作乡土;Our left-leaning wind is leaning on us
弄篙如弄针,We are supposed to never weaken our grip on the emperor's balls
不曾拈一缕。But the IRS is "processing" our tax return. Hmmmmm.

四月鱼苗风,Everything's great. The 'Mats obliterate the fishcat wind
随君到巴东。I have forgotten the midnight sun.

十月洗河水,October swimming season is here in the Northland
送君发扬子。High energy summer competition has come to an end

扬子波势恶,In plywood format, the poplar withstands the tsunamis of disgusting cold
无风粮亦作。It's a heaven wind to be sure, in here

江深得鱼难,Fakey feeling brand new winter outerwear belies the mega summer dare culture
鸬鹚充糕臛。If the loons don't need a coat, then why do I?

生子若凫雏, We're alive, sonny boy and sunny girl, because we eat those birds
穿江复入湖。Confusion works quickly in a clinically cold outdoor setting

长时剪荷叶,And now a vision of a winter leaf - a symbol of temperature discomfort - isn't very appropriate -
与儿作衣襦。Runes all come from winter work

comment: 'Mats = The Replacements, a popular northern sounding music group

Further reading: "Runes" on wiki - I learned about runes in elementary school. Now, maybe I am thinking runes are quite a nice extensive construct.

Further Reading: Atmosphere, an American underground hip hop group founded in 1994 in Minneapolis, Minnesota wiki

Midnight golf in Iceland in July - great.

What is resin?

It's a terpene --->

Terpenes are a large and varied class of hydrocarbons, produced primarily by a wide variety of plants, particularly conifers, though also by some insects such as swallowtail butterflies, which emit terpenes from their osmeterium. They are the major components of resin, and of turpentine produced from resin. The name "terpene" is derived from the word "turpentine".

I was bored with the phonetic transliterations, so I did a little home cookin'

Relatively normal ideas.

Unlabeled baseball scenarios.

Monday, October 15, 2007

It's called the ALCS - get used to it

The Boston band Christmas always seems more important than it looks. Of the few things in this world that serve as inspiration for the production values of this blog, this is one of them.

Take that trip to Ohio today

And then he said...

Our big plans are underway at last..

If one gives a care, "Circus Magic" by Crying Nut is another rare influence. The first entry on this blog also has Myong Dong Call Ring, which is pretty good, too. Cheer up, Mr Accountable!

I am pretty lucky, out of the entire panoply of media product, to have found 2 things to put on my blog. Thanks be to god.


As far as Ohio is concerned, there are no listings on Youtube for "Thomas Jefferson Slave Apartments".
it's a desperate, such a desperate, busy signal that we get
it's a desperate, such a desperate, busy signal that we get...

Back East folks would not be prepared for the solid state whine sound that exists here, like the sound of a football machine. It's on a level of Cruci*****, that's for sure. But its just not there, at Google or Youtube.

she's god
she's got a body like a lightning rod
i'm getting psyched just to see her
i'm getting psyched just being near her
she's got a body like a lightning
body like a lightning
body like a lightning rod

So here's the New Bomb Turks also out of the Columbus. I know I own this album. Do you like RHPS? Please prepare to rock:

Avoidance is my stock in trade
I do it almost every day
Til my days go by
in a haze of okays
The hammer's

The 17th Congress

It's October. The 17th National Congress started today in China.

We can expect some changes in our global timbre.

(Compare this to baseball: You're not a Yankees fan, but if A-Rod moves, it will affect lots of people in baseball - )

(Compare this to football - The Patriots' off-season moves took place months ago, but it sure is making a difference now.... )

If only you knew more about the good things we are doing over at the PRC.......


English Article Wikilink

黄菊 Huang Ju, translated as Ben Hur, died in office.

The leading principles seem to be:

- Hu Jin Tao's Scientific Development Perspective
- The Harmonius Society policy.

The Harmonius Society is pretty good.

The last sentence on Chinese Wikipedia's 和谐社会 (Harmonius Society) article mentions a "river crab":

某些论坛对时事评论多有“河蟹”,“river crab”以及贴螃蟹的图片含蓄的表达不满。
The logic of this nowadays always involves the "river crab".....

I am not sure who or what that "river crab" is referring to.


I like Hu Jin Tao. I like the committee. Here are some names:

罗干 Luo Gan has a pretty good name, for the computer age.

李长春 "Li" - Li Long Spring - this is a nice name

At any rate:

Seriously nice interesting names

曹刚川 Shudder to Think, national sex and marriage department
张德江 The Global Funeral Budget
贺国强 2011 NFL Realignment
张立昌 Peyton Manning
郭伯雄 Family Guy

More seriously nice interesting names

王乐泉 MTV, jello wrestling
王兆国 national sex and marriage department; Yao Ming department
回良玉 Ice T on LnO
刘淇 Let's be careful - sports
刘云山 Let's be careful - feminist
吴仪 Very nice welcome
吴邦国 Developing country studies
吴官正 I am so sure (comic)
陈良宇 Kimmel/Silverman Dept.
周永康 50s, John Waters
胡锦涛 the president, Hu Jin Tao - "It's really hard work when you don't get paid" Soul Asylum/'Marionette'/Hang Time
俞正声 Politically correct; accoutable
贾庆林 70s Celebrate good times tonight
曾庆红 It's all just one big party to you, isn't it?
曾培炎 No class clown
温家宝 (Don't) Pay attention

I hate to skew these names with such singular comments. But, it doesn't make much difference. The comments are "accuvague". Compare:

Bill Clinton - 60s
Ronald Reagan - what if McDonald's employees developed a giant raygun..?
George Bush - "Bush". Tee hee.
Dick Cheney - This guy wants to put a chain on everybody's dick
Barack Obama - related to "Brak" on Adult Swim
Hilary Clinton - there's nothing funny about weightlifting. Can you clean and jerk a ton? I didn't think so.
George Will - "I'm sorry, your honor, I dropped the "will" in a "gorge" on the way over to the courtroom." Judge - "Case dismissed!"

It's more or less harmless informative positive political commentary, is what it is.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

"Li" "Lee" "Yi" - one of many many Asian names

I performed a little dedication to Buddhism before I wrote this article. I don't want to get jammed because the article is way too happy.

The word "Li" is one of the commonest surnames in East Asia, it has been used for millenia. It's close to the word "Li" meaning "season of the year". The word we're talking about has a dictionary meaning of "plums". Now we have plums out here in America; they are more or less sweet, like melong. The plums in this discussion are like the umeboshi of Japan and the sweet-and-sour plums at the Chinese or Korean grocery. These plums of Asia, especially the umeboshi, are the most insanely sour food known to man. I haven't tasted everything, but I'm not really exaggerating. Maybe on the Simpsons Chili Cook Off episode Homer Simpson ate some "Guatemalan Insanity Peppers"; the umeboshi is at that level. Sometimes ignorant people criticize Japanese cuisine for not having very much chile in it; these plums really give up the lie. One ordinary type of box lunch is just a bunch of boiled rice with a single ume on it.

The agent of sour in this case is citric acid, which makes fruit and vegetables sour. Lemons, limes, tomatoes, pineapple. There is a SuperLemon candy available at the store in Japan, that is manufactured to be as sour as a preserved plum. A student in my English class gave me one; I wasn't exactly paying attention and I sat there motionless for a minute enjoying the citric acid dust on the outside of the candy. My class enjoyed it.

So, what is it? What is so sour? Well in looking at this word, one sees "wood" and one sees "baby". It is vertical, wood over baby. Since the word "wood" looks like a sphincter, one puzzles over the word, trying to understand it reasonably correctly, and one reflects on one's sex life, and one eventually permanently decides that this nice word is a woman crawling around giving birth to a baby. It's a sexy situation.

Reflecting on the question of the word's usage and the question of "Where would a woman crawl around while giving birth?" the next permanent answer is "at a party". The reason one decides that it is a party is that the word so popular of a surname, and is always used in the most cheerful contexts. It is close to the word "season of the year", which in our agrarian past has always had everything to do with life and generation. Women don't usually have babies all on their lonesome.

So, in summary, this word Li is really great, as a conversation topic, especially after work in mixed company; it's a little distracting to one's work as an insurance broker or machine shop foreman to be studying this concept in depth during work hours, but the minute 4 or 5 o'clock rolls around, the beer starts flowing and young adults (and teenagers) turn to the project of building their families.


Hello Hollywood. Hello Madonna and Britney.

There are so many songwriters (obviously) who use this name, it is appropriate to discuss its powerful nature here in the blog. It is discussed rather solemnly here because I don't want to have to answer a lot of questions about it here at the blog. Here are some links for further reading:

Susie Bright - sexologist
Madonna and her book
Lil' Kim
Planned Parenthood


List of Chinese family surnames - rank = 1
List of Korean family names - rank = 2
Vietnamese name - rank = 14
Hundred Family Surnames - 李 is 4th name in this song
List of common surnames in the world - rank = 1
Canada - rank = 1
Singapore - rank = 3
Taiwan - rank = 5

Have a nice day.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

唐寅 - Sugar Shark

Think of how not one movie star or tv star ever really goes off against Hollywood. Considering that there are many hundreds of known stars out there, and that this is America, the fact that it is pretty much unknown for a star to dis his or her own show, means that there must be some massive enforcement system in place.

Think of it. The chances of Matthew Perry, star of NBC's Friends, if he decided to embark on an irritated crusade against his former employer, is just nil. "Friends sucks", which is too obvious of a thing to say, is taboo for him and taboo for every person in the "industry". Some industry. Maybe Michael Moore could take a look at this. We need some fresh air.

I am a film major. And by "dis your own show" I mean really try to sink it. We have a lot of GE stock out there, so don't screw up, that's a lot of jet engines.

Note to actors and actresses: If you are going to criticize your own shows, be nice about it as people really like the material. "This blog sucks."

Originally I tabbed this Ming Dynasty poet as "Sugary Sweet Hollywood Shark". To generalize, I will use "Sugar Shark" for the time being, and I hope it works out. This choice leads to a consideration of the work as a partial antidote to the chosen name. Whatever. As far as the "Sugar Shark" is concerned, if you've never been hungover, then you don't really know. These seem to be jukebox-type songs.

诗词名:伤内 作者:唐寅 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:

伤内 5 Bourbon, 5 Scotch, 5 Beer

凄凄白露零,Dew is beer,
百卉谢芬芳;It's a blizzard to pop the top

槿花易衰歇,Fake actors on Monday Night Football are maybe hyper
桂枝就销亡;Pay the bills in cinnamon and wait for the phone to shut off

迷途无往驾,The riddle of the center of society (grain, housing, the military)
款款何从将;Is no place to spend one's weekend or evening

晓月丽尘梁,Fresh air is nice, but it don't matter
白日照春阳;There's no shortage of it outside

扰景念畴昔,Prime time is off the screen
肝裂魂飘扬。Me and my friends have some money in our pocket

  诗词名:警世 作者:唐寅 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:

警世 (literally) Cop World

世事如舟挂短篷,Cop World is girls clokking guys
或移西岸或移东。Or is it the other way around?

几回缺月还圆月,The difference might be important
数阵南风又北风。And the numbers don't lie

岁久人无千日好,Dreaming with my family at this roast
春深花有几时红。Hitting the head and talking 'bout our cold case

是非入耳君须忍,The grille is not now open to stragglers
半作痴呆半作聋。I think I know about stragglers.

  诗词名:言怀 作者:唐寅 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:
Sorry, this is translated free form. Catch the spirit.

言怀 A Toast

笑舞狂歌五十年, Laughing dancing garanimal 50 year anniversary
花中行乐月中眠。 The flowers look real nice

漫劳海内传名字, Drink up, we paid for the bar til 9 o'clock
谁论腰间缺酒钱。 Who needs a drink?

诗赋自惭称作者, I haven't really prepared a great toast
众人多道我神仙。 So follow along

些须做得工夫处, No one compares to this hardworking husband
莫损心头一寸天。 And his boggling wife (and family)

诗词名:醉诗 作者:唐寅 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:
Lots of sake ads in Japan and soju ads in Korea show transcendentally peaceful green forests/jungles.

醉诗 Alcoholic Poem

碧桃花树下, Deep green tree forest
大脚墨婆浪, Bigfoot will arrive to catch this wave

未说铜钱起, No talking, party! (comic)
先铺芦席床。 It's a defensive precaution

  诗词名:妒花 作者:唐寅 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:

妒花 Hi, girl!

昨夜海棠初着雨, - I seen you yesterday at the beach, it rained
数点轻盈娇欲语。 - I'm surprised to see you here at the inn

佳人晓起出兰房, Oh, yeah, you're excellent, I saw you in school, not to be stupid,
折来对镜化红妆。 You came to my party at New Years

问郎花好奴颜好? - What was that? I know I went to a party, last year, right, I had a very nice time

郎道不如花窈窕。 Yeah, last year, the flower party

佳人闻语发娇嗔,- I don't remember the flowers
不信死花胜活人。- I was in the band

将花揉碎掷郎前:Right. What are you drinking?
请郎今日伴花眠!- Jagermeister?

诗词名:桃花庵歌 作者:唐寅 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:

桃花庵歌 --- this one's deeper than the rest






  诗词名:言志 作者:唐寅 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:

言志 Dissertation of Beer (Song of Waitron)

不炼金丹不坐禅,One must never dis a baby businessman at his supper

不为商贾不耕田 Give him now the time of day

闲来写就青山卖,You might be a superstar

不使人间造孽钱!Accept his money anyway!

(sit down)

诗词名:题陶谷赠词图 作者:唐寅 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:

题陶谷赠词图 The Pocket Protector Map of Your Pocket

一宿姻缘逆旅中,I am sure that facts are real
短词聊以识泥鸿。I like that nice girl Jennifer Beals

当时我作陶承旨,I've looked around all day long
何必尊前面发红。This pitcher's dry and that is wrong

  诗词名:讽炼金方士 作者:唐寅 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:

讽炼金方士 Do you wanna puke now?

破衣衫中破布裙,No, I don't want to puke
逢人便说会烧银。I am figuring a hard angle

君何不自烧些用,On money and the future
担水河头卖与人。 Of this godforsaken campus

This is a true story.

  诗词名:张梦晋改流水诗 作者:唐寅 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:

张梦晋改流水诗 I Dream of Jeanne

浅浅水,You're OK
断又续,You are great
在山清,Give me a minute
出山浊。Take a break

曲曲折折难回头,How's your day
呜呜咽咽日夜哭。 Was it good?

问伊伤心何其多,If you ask me
悔恨当初出幽谷。I l-i-k-e you


Friday, October 12, 2007

夏完淳 - Apple Records

Apple Records is the Dickensian songwriter of the Ming Dynasty, who sang of the joys and tribulations of working on farms all summer and then returning to the city for the winter. It's kind of like movies that take place at the Poconos summer resorts, or Meatballs, or even part of Caddyshack, except its a little different. Strawberry Fields forever. "I wish the wheat combine had already been invented." "Don't complain, brother."

Some of these have some kind of double title, mildly confusing like a deep Beatles song. These tx's all avoid the really really boring typical method, exemplified by stuff like "The stork visits the holy mountain/My thoughts are far away/the bell sounds in the distance/The ocean comforts me" that definitely don't deliver any congruent value to the reader. It's more of a translational power move, involving "What is this guy actually saying?" and "Will it fit on a T-shirt or a compact disk?"

Apple Records' songs include:

别云间  Another factory/farm is hiring!
卜算子 断肠 My stack of poker chip acorns is getting low, I'd better get some more - and I hope I win so I can sleep in the cozy stable tonight
绝句  "Hold that thought" or "That's not a sentence" (comic)
一剪梅 柳 There sure are some weird people out in the country (mild awe) -- Willow
烛影摇红 The owner of the farm wants us to burn some bugs that are eating the wheat seedlings (yuk)
婆罗门引 春尽夜  This is a nice place. Too bad the old people in the city couldn't make it out this time. I wonder if they are having a good summer? (nudge nudge) ---Awesome country campfire sleeping arrangements
两同心 有梦 Awww, I have to bunk with that tough dude -- and I hope to have a dream inspired by nature (Walt Whitman, transcendentalism)
寻芳草 别恨 The owner of the farm isn't around. Does he mean for us to take a break? -- I am unfamiliar to this (particular) brand of hatred...very puzzling...we should make a note of this particular person and talk about it over the winter. This one is like something one encounters while working at Burger King.
精卫  Jerk Work or Clearly Boring Seminal Experience

诗词名:别云间 作者:夏完淳 朝代:明 体裁:五律 类型:

别云间 They're Hiring!

三年羁旅客,3 years normal harsh guest work just like every body else
今日又南冠。 Please contact us today as places tend to fill up

无限山河泪,Doctors available on site
谁言天地宽!Professional entertainment and music provided on weekends

已知泉路近,Are you on scholarship?
欲别故乡难。We have a small library.

毅魄归来日,You could get married.
灵旗空际看。We observe OSHA regulations.

诗词名:绝句 作者:夏完淳 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:
This title reminds me Beatles interviews on TV, selling their movies, entering the airport terminal, etc. If one didn't grow up seeing these on a regular basis, well, one should look it up at YouTube, the Beatles are pretty funny. "It's been a hard day's......night." This is not a funny Beatles poem, it's about that zone of activity where the Beatles sense of humor is an important commodity. "If there's nothing to do after work, then why would people go to work in the first place?" I suppose "Apple Records" thought about the values of an entertainment career a lot while he was doing summer contract work.

绝句 Not really a proper sentence/Unfinished thoughts

扁舟明月两峰间,In the trap of working for the Warren Buffets it's not realistic to be so happy
千顷芦花人未远。If a thousand unsaid thoughts are makin' ya suffer

缥缈苍茫不可接, If you yearn for mutton, why not change your job, you're young! It's not like there is some great shortage of problems to solve in any of the associated entertainment industries. Magazines, theatres, music publishing - office work R us.
白云空翠洞庭山。A blizzard of paperwork and Goldie Hawn's personal manager on the phone. Sounds great.

诗词名:寻芳草 别恨 作者:夏完淳 朝代:明 体裁:词 类型:

Here is the song about talking about the harsh manager while taking a break because "if the owner or manager isn't here that means that we have to take a rest"

寻芳草 别恨

几阵杜鹃啼,That guy thinks he is so cute working like a machine talking about his harp lessons back in the city, thinks he likes to give useless orders.
却在那,I'm sick of it.
杏花深处。This actual apricot flower is the true basis of the future of this farm, of this society, not him who just thinks he's one.

小禽儿,At the campfire last night he pretended to be a popular culture idol, and he needs to find something he's good at
唤得人归去,He is the embodiment of moral law
唤不得愁归去。 Uplifting us when we should be getting down and dirty with it. Do we have to put up with this all summer, and why do we have to worry about being "clean" when the farm manager made such big deal about how we should swim at the lake every morning and night if we needed to?

离别又春深, He monopolizes the sex environment attention budget regularly, because he looks kind of good and healthy
最恨也, He is hated by some
多情飞絮。 He is always talking about how disciplined he is while studying harp back at the city, is how he gets over.

恨柳丝, Well, think of it this way, he loves to sleep under that willow tree, yes?
系得离愁住, It's kind of like learning the harp, yes?
系不得离人住。 If he does love it so much, why not sort of keep that wintertime music lesson environment going here instead of getting hatey about it? ok

Here's the one about being Dale Gribble for a week, and how difficult it is to do pest control in a barn or storage area, or field, especially before the advent of modern chemistry.

诗词名:烛影摇红 作者:夏完淳 朝代:明 体裁:词 类型:
This is kind of like a dialogue between two workers


辜负天工,I have killed a billion bugs, I am Mister Sunshine, it's my stock in trade, the cops will think I'm Jack the Ripper when I try to charm my way into Music Hall for free like I sometimes can do, to talk with the talent people, damn, this job doesn't suit me
九重自有春如海。 - Why don't you work it into your charming personality. "Hey, you have no insect problems, love!"

佳期一梦断人肠, "Yeah, and it is such a chore to do so. My dreams suck now. One billion bugs is what I am seeing."
静倚银釭待。- Oh, you're a murderer.

隔浦红兰堪采,"It's like the copper pennies I usually dream about have been replaced wholesale."
上扁舟, "I am a bad bad King Midas. The opposite of Midas. What is Midas spelled backwards?"
伤欵乃。 "Oh, my leisuretime nothingness is ruined."

梨花带雨, - A rack of flowers with raining petals would suit you, as something to look at, or as an interior decorating motif.
柳絮迎风, - Or purple willows as a change of pace.
一番愁债。 - Or some kind of tomato basket tomato sauce kind of thing.

回首当年, "If I have to do this next year,
绮楼画阁生光彩。I will not have any artistic choice in the matter."

朝弹瑶瑟夜银筝, "I will spend time at Pachinko instead of at the Music Hall.
歌舞人潇洒。 And my dancing will change from happy to alcoholic."

一自市朝更改,- If you simply observe the laws of our mental nature, you know that
暗销魂, everybody more or less has to deal with this kind of thing
繁华难再。 and you can do as others do instead of being a vaguely threatening chicken about it.

金钗十二,"Well, that is solid gold,
珠履三千, I am glad I had this chat,
凄凉万载。 I owe you a beer and please remember this for me next time I get irritated about this. Which could be tomorrow. Hopefully. Hopefully not."


精卫 Clearly Boring Seminal Experience

北风荡天地,The cold north wind is making boring soup out of my summer memories
有鸟鸣空林。The only life here is the birds that stay in the forest, as there is no food in the fields at this date

志长羽翼短,Going inside with the farm family was not part of my job description
衔石随浮沈。Nor was doing errands in town

崇山日以高,Going to church/temple is part of my list of work privileges
沧海日以深。As is playing quoits and drinking

愧非补天匹,I can afford to do things that aren't part of the summer work curriculum
延颈振哀音。Like going for my GED or reading Moby Dick

辛苦徒自力,The cops and the old guys are friendly to me
慷慨谁为心?I see them at the inn near here

滔滔东逝波,Actually, drinking and playing quoits is an important part of wintering at a farm
劳劳成古今。As a temporary employee.

From the ishici notes: 精卫 is the name of a type of bird


词名:婆罗门引 春尽夜 作者:夏完淳 朝代:明 体裁:词 类型:
A nice song about summer farm work life - a letter home

婆罗门引 春尽夜

晚鸦飞去,This place has a huge 4,000 year old sundial in perfect condition
一枝花影送黄昏。That alone makes it worth it

春归不阻重门。 Things are fresh and alive

辞却江南三月,Peppers never seemed hotter
何处梦堪温。 And the scenery is too good - better than a vacation

更阶前新绿,I have a steady mate
空锁芳尘。 And I will be in decent shape financially when I return in November

随风摇曳云, This place is an actual farm like from economics class or the supermarket
不须兰棹朱轮。 You don't have to read about it, you can live it

只有梧桐枝上, I have no bills to pay for the time being
留得三分。 Its a nice feeling

多情皓魄, When thunderstorms come and they cancel work in the rice fields
怕明宵还照旧钗痕。 It's like a blizzard that shuts down the city

登楼望, We light the lamp
柳外销魂。 And have a merry celebration


两同心 有梦 Why do I have to bunk with the tough dude?

梦到扬州, I am now dreaming of living on another continent
依然南浦。 I have put my name on my shirts

绮罗如梦锦如尘, It feels so strange, this guy
香车宝马知何处。 It affects every sense and distracts me from surviving and doing well here

翠烟笼, He has smoking rules for himself
十里隋堤, And has sleeping rules for himself
茫茫飞絮。 And doesn't eat fruit unless it's perfectly fresh

举目魂消肠断,He is mildly freaky and mildly abusive
春光如许。 Spring's genesis is a chore and a burden.

琼花消息竟飘零, He likes talking about Lord of the Rings ---
荒台古苑春无主。 And takes it quite seriously the disasters faced in that and other books like it

想莺花, I love this guy like a flower
十二楼前, He knows accounting
迷离烟雨。 And through all his idiosycracies is a very solid guy

I am the walrus, kook ook a chook


诗词名:一剪梅 柳 作者:夏完淳 朝代:明 体裁:词 类型:
This is the one about leaving the city again in the spring and of course being mildly surprised and discomfited by the change of scenery.

This is also sort of a dialogue, like between the diner waitress in the "Bubble Boy" Seinfeld episode, and someone like George Harrison and Ringo Starr's great-great grandparents.

一剪梅 柳 Strange looking person/Willow

无限伤心夕照中,"Don't defend yourself, you're as safe as a piece of livestock here .... and worth about as much."
故国凄凉,- You seem.....rustic..... and cold.
剩粉余红。 "Well, cutie, lose those city duds and put on these generic overalls."

金沟御水日西东。 - Great. Actually.

昨岁陈宫,"Yesterday's dream (our plan) was to double the size of this farm.
今岁隋宫。 In order to do so we need some smarts power, for sure, if you've got it."

往事思量一饷空, Well it seems like a decent place. Can we get back here next year, as a possibility?
飞絮无情,依旧烟笼。 "We'll see how you do in the sack and at the sleepout. You look well, I can say that much."

长条短叶翠濛濛。 - Never forget what a good employee is worth, maybe we're at a real farm instead of a cheap sex farm.

才过西风,Talentocracy. Staminocracy. Comedocracy.
又过东风。Nice to see you.

诗词名:卜算子 断肠 作者:夏完淳 朝代:明 体裁:词 类型:
Here's the one about acorns and pinecones as poker chips, playing for sleeping arrangements, its about strip poker.

卜算子 断肠 Strip Poker and Losing At It

秋色到空闺, I am turning an autumn color because I am going to lose, and I need the sex
夜扫梧桐叶。 I am cleaning my aura and feeling a wooden hollow inside my thorax

谁料同心结不成, People are talking about "fighting" so that I am forced to become very docile in my nature at this time
翻就相思结。 And flying away is an option, is another conversation topic.

十二玉阑干,I lack pinecones and cannot find anymore.
风动灯明灭。 I know, because the game is closed.

立尽黄昏泪几行, I can't really say "yes" because people will get excited and I feel kind of ugly like a stork; I know from experience that I look just the opposite to the rest of the group.
一片鸦啼月。All I have left is one freaking acorn. I grow feeble and excited.


Apple Records - 夏完淳 - translates literally to "Summer Graduation Truths"

Apple Records' page at ishici

林鸿 - Country Swan, City Swan

Well, it is baseball second season. Why not just write what it seems to be and correct the blog tomorrow?

  诗词名:投赠张红桥 作者:林鸿 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:

投赠张红桥 "A color analyst is staring at a pitcher who might have to leave the game soon" by 林鸿 Country Swan, City Swan

桂殿焚香酒半醒,The Cinnamon Girl is a Budweiser
露华如水点银屏。The dew falls on Washington DC and on the Congressional Quarterly
含情欲诉心中事,I am eating this guy's balls and it's on the news
羞见牵牛织女星。A clown sees me dealing like I'm a cow giving milk for Hilary and Arnold to drink.

Comment: In regard to "Country Swan, City Swan", in thinking about the Sawamura Award, which is the Japanese Cy Young Award - If you live near a subway train stop that goes to the city, you might end up working at the stock exchange. If you don't, you and your family might have some of the same mettle and you could spend a lot of time pitching a baseball instead. Lots of sportscasters come from the city. "I just didn't get enough time in on the field, man."

Comment: "Cinnamon Girl" is from Neil Young.

Country Swan, City Swan at ishici

Two songs with the same name

To continue with "Don't leave your heart in San Francisco" (see below), one finds two poem with the same name. The name is "No Problem". One of them is very sunshiny in nature, it could be a Phish song. The other one is more hilarious and dark like the Public Image I am listening to now.

Of course, as one deals with specific songs, the stated NFL rubric seems to become more obscure.

诗词名:无题 作者:陈嘉谋 朝代:明 体裁:七律 类型:怀古

无题 No Problem by 陈嘉谋 Harsh Movie Love Story (1)

施氏山前旧有人,吴王宫殿几重新。 I go forward into the mountain sun with my fellow people, I offer the King and Empress my abolute bodhi attention.
年来绿树村边月,夜半清溪梦里身。The seasons and the trees give me joy, in the evening by the campfire we stretch our bodies.
衰草尽随眉黛落,飞花长逐杜鹃声。The garden is the vast interesting steppe, the eyes of the city are made of hindsight; magic and fake happiness drain away in our research laboaratory vacation environment.
西家女侠今何在?白苎轻萝谢四邻。We will go back to the city fully tanned and rested. The blizzard will stay empty, as we have a pretty good cabin here by the lake now.

comment: "I have no problem". Patty Kaplan of HBO, this is your life. And, "If there were nothing to do after work, why would we go to work in the first place?"

  诗词名:无题 作者:冯小青 朝代:明 体裁: 类型:

无题 No Problem by 冯小青 Incredibly Diminished Personal Power

冷雨幽窗不可听,Freezing rain bangs against the window and I am warm and cozy inside without much to do.
挑灯闲看牡丹亭。It's not nature, but the world of finance that has become still all around me.
人间亦有痴于我,Sex and happiness seem shallow and inappropriate to this global economic policy discussion.
岂独伤心是小青!The harvest lies in the grain silo and it will definitely get to the city.

comment: "There might not be a problem with this." There are some hard problems to solve and if the utilities and supermarkets go offline there's not going to be a party anyway. When ferries sink, when refineries burn, when paychecks have to be temporarily replaced by benefits, it is worth it to deal with it.

Industries like HBO, beer, shopping malls and sports are categorized with both songs here.

Gulder Beer from Nigeria

Thursday, October 11, 2007

East Asian Studies? I'm just not about a stupid T-Shirt instead?

The SF Dynasty: Sweet and Sour

This blog has translations that are as good as the average Japanese T-shirt. If one is looking for a classic novel translated by an academic, one had better go to Try searching for "Japanese novel".

Effectively manhandling the material at to make it interesting is the goal of this exercise. The listing of Ming Dynasty poets and their work will be entitled:

The San Francisco 49ers Dynasty and the Hand of God

or "Don't leave your heart in San Francisco"

specifically referring to the DeBartolo Dynasty, or the Montana Dynasty, the Steve Young Dynasty, the Bill Walsh Dynasty, whichever it should be called. The Niners famously won at least 10 games a season, 18 seasons consecutively. (From Wikipedia: San Francisco 49ers.) Speaking of the Wikipedia, I just read on my Wiki User Page subscription to the Wikipedia Times that the Wiki is moving to the Bay Area (though the server farm will remain in Tampa).

Great job, San Francisco!

Here are a few links, by poet name:(明 朝 陈子龙 袁宏道 于谦 王世贞 李攀龙 何景明 李梦阳 高启 刘基 祝枝山 唐寅 戚继光) 

A fuller list of noted writers, lyricists, advertising people, etc of the Ming Era, with American translations that corroborate with the stated thesis of the NFC West ca 1980 - 2000:

I hope you will see that this list isn't too sweet and it isn't too sour.

【明】 - Ming


边贡  America's Sweetheart Military Tribute
贝琼  Money Jade, as opposed to money in a checking account - ignorant punk money


陈嘉谋  Harsh Movie Love Story (1) - Anne R. Key
陈子龙 Cute Baby Dragon
曹学佺 "I hadn't noticed that I had graduated"


冯梦龙  Incredibly Serious Dream
冯小青  Incredibly Diminished Personal Power


高启  Superman Nowhere Man


何景明  Harsh Movie Love Story (2) - Saul of the Molemen
呼文如  I have read the entire 440,000 pages of the Windows Vista code. Have you? (some kind of job-market intimidation method)


季贞一  "It's the time .. of the season..for losing money"
解缙  Celestial Corruption
景翩翩  How stars are born - staring at reruns


李梦阳  A San Francisco Cheerleader who is hotter than the sun....
李攀龙  ....and more babies than a rabbit dragon
梁玉姬  The Book of Job? I made that happen.
林鸿  Very indignant about the lilies of the field, who toil not - How can you say you don't care? Or, "Country Swan, City Swan".
凌濛初  Abusive Cowgirl Sex Industry Worker
刘基  Like that guy from Portland who went to military prison for joining the Taliban.
李开先 Beautocracy - The hottest women have the most difficult responsibilities at work - The Scientific Look - here's a lynk: Science Direct.
李颖 Fake corruption


明无名氏 We are not famous people - superpopulism - Green Day populism - or differently and literally "Ming is not Ming, man" like a Lennon or Garcia quote (Ming wu ming shi) - "Do you understand, or do you oversit?"


戚继光 Jail Bait Living, like high tech Sierra Nevada 'hillbillies', see 1995's "I've Got My Friends - A Boston - San Francisco Hardcore Compilation", songs by sf bands Randumbs, Hellbillies, Mutilators, etc...."Please save me from the ass-kicking junkies from outer space"
瞿佑  Overdosed on other people's happiness
齐景云 We are saving money to see Raiders of the Lost Ark 4 - Star Wars geek, George Lucas
邱道隆 I am a product of the U.S. Armed Forces Housing Program 
丘梁  Army Veteran Hippie


沈泓  Submerged Tweety Bird
沈谦  Submerged Yosemite Sam
宋濂  Northern California Style Athletic Power - very popular
沈明臣 Submerged Female Supremacy in Marriage
孙承宗 Grandchild Worship; Winnie the Pooh worship; Mickey Mouse worship; et cetera


汤显祖  Soup Giant Offensive Linemen
唐寅  Sugary Sweet Hollywood Sharks


王过仁  Divorce is King
王媺  Ultrafeminist Moshpit
王磐  Liberal Ultrapolitics OK Corral Discussion Group
王世贞 The West Coast 4th Dimension - cf The Doors
王叔承 Getting caught not maxing
吴承恩 Having spent some time in North Bay, and kind of liking it, and having an appreciation for the ambition of it, et cetera: "What if we bought a very big Love Boat cruise ship and parked it in the Bay, and we took out all the rooms and Lido deck and all and planted a forest in the boat, wall to wall, and then set sail on a regular cruise schedule with people camping out in the forest, in the middle of the ocean?" "It could be quite rugged!" "Hey, I'm an ecotourist; or I work at Transamerica 9 to 5 M to F; or I've been writing software for 8 months; I need a nice 3-day weekend vacation!"
吴静婉 Same Love Boat, just a sex industry cruise.
汪广洋 The incredibly questionable practice of villainizing George W. Bush
文嘉  Pamphlet Joy
文征明 Pamphlet Enthusiasm; very inane propaganda


夏完淳 Charles Dickens era: Going out to weed fields, pick wheat and apples in the countryside, delusively deciding to live there in Strawberry Fields forever, and then of course returning to the city for the holiday season and winter; Apple Records
谢榛  Baseball as a thank-you for the football season
徐渭  Surplus Water Consumption
许仲琳 High Noon on Haight-Ashbury
熊石儿 A.F.I.


于谦  Space Politics; transparent aluminum; the Lunar Constitution, the Articles of Martian Confederation
杨基  Plant Gene - men who get women into bed by practicing the virility power of plants
杨慎  Nice Plant, Stanford tree
袁宏道  Garden Male Power Road - Garden Guy - something to do with Bobcat Goldthwaite
袁凯  Flower Garden Sex Machine


张煌言  I Weaseled a job being an astrologer on the 11:00 PM News
张红桥  I Weaseled Through Logging Camp
张家玉  My entire family is in jail back east
周在  Let's Mellow Out
张以宁  I weaseled sex out of Tricia Nixon
张灵  We Weaseled the Brinks Robbery
钟惺  Hollywood Star Alarm Clock
朱元璋 (After all this) We have absolutely no money
祝枝山 The (Northern) California Sex Industry has no competition

Ming means "Bright, brilliant, the combined power of the sun and the moon, love you night and day, tomorrow". Ming is used in the words Minnesota and Minneapolis. Another Ming is a very important word meaning "Fame", "Name" or "Noun" and is used in the word "Nagoya" (Japan).

Cultural references that seem ridiculous are probably just the result of too much Butthole Surfers and too much Maximum Rock n Roll. In particular, something like: "张以宁  I weaseled sex out of Tricia Nixon." Sorry. The message is that it's a ridiculous notion to be attracted to thin young Republicans.

Further reading:

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

See you next year

I found this song on Ishici under the author's name: 张衡. In creating this link on blogger, I noticed that the author's name was part of the web address; apparently words now have some kind of accepted set of http valence. In terms of the internationalization of the words, one reading experience I had concerned an Asian magazine I was reading that had an example of a page from a French dictionary book about words, the French commentary was so good, it talked about the word as though it were a friend, following along with how I had learned to read. When I write about Asian words, I always think of that French method, it goes so well with all the scholarship I have learned in the English language, and informs my reading so rewardingly.

At any rate, this song is about Suzyn Waldman from Newton. If you don't ever listen to Yankees baseball then it's about Rosie O'Donnell. Apparently mythic archetypes like John and Suzyn have been around forever. It would be appropriate for me to to add translations to the lines, but the topic matter is stodgy, tough and suprasentimental, like Suzyn. It's a very funny poem, though. It's from Ishici, a web resource with over 20,000 Chinese songs dating from ancient times to Hu Jin Tao times. This one is from sometime during one of the Han dynasties.

四愁诗 张衡

我所思兮在太山,My thought lies on a sacred mountain......




Japanese T-shirt level translation attempt, which is appropriate for a sports context:

四愁诗 张衡 (my boyfriend's valor is like a lost sheep in autumn, by Ann Author)

我所思兮在太山,I am a building, zapping my family members with static electricity
欲往从之梁父艰。I am a valley of addresses on Long Island, sleeping through the filth of ages of boredom, going to a school built for chickens
侧身东望涕沾翰。I follow the rules of life - the schoolyard rules of life -- and my honor is built on the tears of 5-year old boys
美人赠我金错刀,I adore men like Liberace and Roger Clemens
何以报之英琼瑶。I never think of myself as ordinary, but my last name might as well be Jones.
路远莫致倚逍遥,Happy crazy gentle men are my social circle
何为怀忧心烦劳。I play the role of the workaholic ball buster, sports-dragoning artistic men like I'm flippin' burgers at McDonalds.

我所思兮在桂林,I am a building, pranking my family members when they are in the shower;
欲往从之湘水深。The valley of addresses is an amusement park
侧身南望涕沾襟。I follow the schoolyard rules of life and if you don't like rap, I'll punch you like Lucy Van Pelt
美人赠我琴琅玕,Beautiful men rock music include Yngwie, David Cassidy and Bay City Rollers
何以报之双玉盘。I read the paper to see how celebrity marriages are doing; it gives me heavy credibility
路远莫致倚惆怅 My male friends think I'm a conservative because I adore Lady Diana
何为怀忧心烦怏 I can be very insulting at times like this

我所思兮在汉阳,I am a building, I am as tough as a roughneck wilting in the sun
欲往从之陇阪长。The valley of addresses is, and always will, be, like the oeuvre of Billy Joel
侧身西望涕沾裳。Schoolyard rules regarding drugs and blackberry brandy, and Jagermeister, are the way we live
美人赠我貂襜褕,I adore the easily broken tame animal-man
何以报之明月珠。In the paper, something is about to happen - in Hollywood
路远莫致倚踟蹰,I am successful in interesting my male friends in sports, especially around playoff time;
何为怀忧心烦纡。Work can be so boring

我所思兮在雁门,I am a building in the valley of addresses
欲往从之雪雰雰。The valley is covered with light snow at 6 AM
侧身北望涕沾巾。The schoolyard is closed
美人赠我锦绣段,My male friends and I are listening to Barry Manilow til' Mom calls us for lunch
何以报之青玉案。I will be rarin' to go tomorrow
路远莫致倚增叹,I want to be an accountant
何为怀忧心烦惋 Or something.


同声歌 张衡


To the other team:

歌 张衡

天地烟煴。百卉含蘤。鸣鹤交颈。雎鸠相和。处子怀春。精魂回移。如何淑明。忘我实多。Heaven and earth are made of tobacco. A blizzard keeps you fat and dumb like the fastest greens at the British Open. The crow is teaching you, the stork is protecting you, strange birds are beating you. Your sperm is returned to sender. Your women are baking a jalapeno pie and sex/marriage is just a drop in their bucket.

To the home team: The author talks about the author.

歌 张衡

皇皇者凤。通玄知时。萃于山趾。与帝邀期。吉事有祥。惟汉之祺。The boss sells the wind. You're not in your hometown now, player. You might want to cultivate the female fans in order to get through this crunchtime. I write you up like gods. I mix current events into the commentary like Sunday morning. And I put the good folks to sleep.


歌 张衡

惊雄逝兮孤雌翔。临归风兮思故乡。Frozen cold man power looking for another female fix. As a result we choose basketball over hockey this afternoon.

At a loss for words?

叹 张衡

大火流兮草虫鸣。繁霜降兮草木零。秋为期兮时已征。思美人兮愁屏营。 A big fire destroyed the bugs, the birds have some questions about that. "We should clear away all the frost and snow that has accumulated in the woods. - Ha ha." Autumn is a very good thing that if one needs that explained one might not be so valiant.

Precursor to a relationship.

歌 张衡

浩浩阳春发。杨柳何依依。百鸟自南归。翱翔萃我枝。Drip drop drip drop I want you. You: A poplar/willow w/great clothing, a hundred birds are emailing you wanting to fly away with you - and live on a branch.

Three part poem about the first three sections of time of a relationship - if you wanted to marry the poet named Fatso. Fatso is actually probably not that fat. No woman no cry.

怨诗 其一 张衡

-- The first week (or month), we would live in our new foxy autumn hideaway, bringing in the sheaves and splitting up some firewood. We would watch the bugs die. We would be so beautiful in each others eyes and we would sleep so soundly on a fortune of an entire winter that lies ahead. I would get a part time job, to boot.


怨诗 其二 张衡

我闻其声。载坐载起。By the second week or month, we would be using each other like tools. In conversation, we would desperately cultivate the present time to arrive at the present time.


怨诗 其三 张衡

同心离居。绝我中肠。By the third week, your balls would have to be registered as lethal weapons, and my body would be the color of cooked sausage.

I would go on and on with this, tx-ing some more poems and authors, but 1) it might seem repetitious and 2) a Columbia Asian Studies professor might pick an academic fight with me. I have bills to pay, anyway.

Thanks for reading.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Crying Nut Circus Magic
+Crying Nut Myong Dong Call Ring

"Myong Dong" is the Newbury Street, NYU, a Shibuya, of Seoul.

Thank you again, alice.

Bill Gates. Linus Torvald. Lawrence Ellison. Who are you, alice?


岩岩钟山首,rock rock clock clock girl girl
赫赫炎天路。garlic garlic no gossip money path
高明曜云门,e t c
昂昂累世士,"You must be trippin"
结根在所固。Wolves think dogs are pussies.
吕望老匹夫,All I want is a .... dnabsuh. aH aH.
苟为因世故。HC rules. Don't eat hc filth.
人生有何常,I'm not your Superwoman.
且当猛虎步。Don't say f*** at your college reunion.
与世同举厝。Don't explain why you lose.
吕望尚不希 The sluttest one can't do your taxes.
夷齐何足慕 Buddheconomy can beat a jerk.